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The Ideal Hope Renaissance assistance to the minorities, underserved and disadvantaged populations through education and awareness relies on the generosity of our supporters to help us raise the expectations of these groups, because low expectations create obstacles between these affected group of people and our dreams. Your support helps us live the lives we want to promote social justice, racial, gender equalities, equal sharing of resources, improve health disparities and encourage the dignity and humanity of all people.


It all starts with your choice to act instead of looking away through transformation to support social justice, racial and gender equalities, discourage health disparities and all forms of discriminations.  When you meet a need and that starts a chain reaction.  Families break free of poverty, begin to work towards a better future, and become open to integration and prosperous society.


Your gift heals individuals, families, and communities from stigmatization, affordable health and preservation of human dignity.  Its impact continues to change posterity to come.


Thank you for your support and everything you do to raise the expectations of the minorities, underserved and disadvantaged people who are neglected in the society.

The Ideal Hope Renaissance is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization (EIN: 85-2127354) under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Image by Katt Yukawa
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