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Covid 19



Dear Friends of Ideal Hope Renaissance Family,

The Ideal Hope Renaissance leadership team have been closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 over the past month particularly in El Paso, TX.  We have been making preparations and taking action in response to this swiftly changing situation.  Ideal Hope Renaissance will continue to deliver on its mission while protecting health and safety of our consumers and dedicated employees.  We will do this by minimizing the potential spread of the disease, both at our programs and the broader community. 

At this time, we are practicing business as usual, but we are working on contingency plans, should the need arise. We are assessing what the impact could be if we are forced to shift to essential services only, recognizing that many of the services Renaissance provides are essential, and health and safety needs must still be met.  We are working with the City of El Paso and El Paso County Health Departments and program managers in developing emergency procedures to cope with this developing situation including Social Distancing, reduction of outside activities and rescheduling of routine (non-urgent) appointments. 

We appreciate your efforts and dedication given to our consumers and to Ideal Hope Renaissance.  We will get through the COVID-19 crisis together. 

Thank you, sincerely,

Executive Director

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